Bureaucratic stupidity in COVID vaccine clinic case will have far-reaching consequences


I’ve repeatedly been told that I am too unkind and too harsh to Ministry of Health (MOH) bureaucrats. A senior staff member at the OMA once suggested I was “out of line” to a very sharp (but necessary) scolding I gave an MOH bureaucrat at a bilateral meeting we had. About a month later, that same senior staff person, when on a voice conference call with the same bureaucrat, got up and wrote “This is a waste of time” on a chalkboard at OMA headquarters. But I digress.

Yet every time I try to pull back, these same bureaucrats go and do something that is so incomprehensibly stupid that I once again wonder about the talent level and frankly intelligence of the bureaucracy as a whole at the MOH.

On this occasion, I’m referring to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan’s (OHIP) relentless persecution of Dr. Elaine Ma. The whole mess has been extensively reported and you can read all the details in the links, but I will summarize key points below:

October 25, 2024

Dr. Ma’s clinic in Kingston suddenly cancelled its October 26 drive thru flu/covid vaccine clinic. Over 600 patients had registered with more pending. The reason is that OHIP had notified her that she would not be paid to vaccinate patients at the clinic. Why? Because she was going to have medical students (who would be supervised) vaccinate. According to a 2001 bulletin OHIP pulled out, students are not employees and so she can’t delegate to them. (OHIPs story keeps changing and you’ll see that further down the blog). It also emerged that OHIP was attempting to recoup funds paid to her for running similar vaccine clinics in 2021.

October 30, 2024

It was now reported that OHIP was demanding Dr. Ma repay $600,000 that she billed to run outdoor vaccination clinics. She ran a number of mass Covid vaccinations clinics that gave over 35,000 shots. These were set up by her in response to the provinces call to "get shots in peoples arms" at the height of the Covid pandemic. Dr. Ma was widely lauded for her efforts at the time – and won the Ontario College of Family Physicians award of Excellence. Her area became the most vaccinated area of the province, something that should be celebrated.

OHIP now claims that she didn’t follow the rules for billing. Their excuse this time? That clinic was outdoors and not in a doctor’s office. (I told you OHIPs story would keep changing). Yes, you did read that right. In the middle of a pandemic caused by an airborne virus, OHIP wanted the vaccination clinics to be held in crowded indoor spaces!

November 1, 2024

Dr. Ma had rapidly gained the public support of the local medical officer of health (there was likely background support previously). She also had the support (previously background now public) of her MPP, the OMA and many others. She did not get the public support of Dr. Jane Philpott. Dr. Philpott, in her role as Dean of Queens Medical school was full of praise for the clinics. I suspect Dr. Philpott has 550,000 reasons to stay quiet publicly now. Hopefully she can influence behind the scenes.

OHIP now stated that the concern was that Dr. Ma used some of the funds to pay the staff who worked there. You read that right. They were worried because a physician billed OHIP (gasp!) then took the funds to pay overhead (double gasp!!). The horror!

Hannah Jensen, the Minister of Health’s Communications Director initially simply parroted the line that OHIP bureaucrats fed her about being ineligible to bill because of using medical students and it being outdoors. But she was rapidly exposed as being completely out of her depth when the Kingstonist questioned her about dates, which doctor, which clinics, how she arrived at figures and so on.

Additionally, her tone took a seriously ugly and aggressive turn. There was an accusation that Dr. Ma “pocketed the funds” which essentially is an accusation of theft. (No law enforcement is involved….yet).

November 7, 2024

The story hit the national news and it was reported that not only was OHIP asking Dr. Ma to pay back $600,000, but they were demanding $35K in interest as well (!). Who knew OHIP bureaucrats moonlighted as loan sharks??

November 8, 2024

Dr. Hijazi, leader of the Ontario Union of Family Physicians was interviewed by the CBC . He obviously was supportive of Dr. Ma demanded that the Ministry apologize to her. The Ministry issued an utterly and completely delusional statement to CBC radio stating that claims Ontario can’t get family physicians are “fictitious”. (Listen to the last 30 seconds at the link). 2.5 million people can’t get a family doctor in this province because doctors don’t want to work comprehensive care is “fictitious”????

What consequences are there to this?

Too many to mention, and they are all awful. Perry Brodkin, OHIPs former lawyer was quoted extensively in the articles about process. He pointed out that before attempting to recoup these funds, the bureaucrats would have run it up the chain to the deputy minister if not the health minister. There is therefore no doubt that this egregious action is one of the bureaucracy as a whole as opposed to one rogue bureaucrat. This cements the feeling that many physicians increasingly have had that bureaucrats as a whole are malicious (especially after the nonsense they claimed during arbitration).

It also badly threatens medical teaching. If the appeal that Dr. Ma filed is unsuccessful, then it essentially means that physicians would not get paid for teaching medical students. Which would effectively end teaching in Ontario. How exactly do you plan to replace the current supply of physicians as they age out, if no one will teach new ones?

With the story hitting the national news on CBC, it also will significantly impair attempts to recruit physicians from out of province. We are already losing younger doctors to provinces like BC and Manitoba where they see a co-operative relationship between government and physicians. Why would any of them come to a Province where you are called a hero one day, and then publicly embarrassed, harassed and vilified over a clearly outdated memo that needed to put aside during a once in a lifetime pandemic?

What SHOULD happen next (but probably won’t)

Unfortunately, Brodkin also points out that at this point there is nothing that will influence the appeal board. The process could have been stopped earlier before the hearing, but Sylvia Jones and her staff chose not to. But, if Dr. Ma wins, the government should immediately announce they will not appeal the decision to the courts. Additionally, Hannah Jensen needs to publicly apologize for her…..out of line…..comment on “pocketing” funds. And Sylvia Jones should also offer up an apology to Dr. Ma for the failure of her bureaucrats to recognize that rigid adherence to minutiae in a time of crisis is completely unacceptable.

Finally, what badly needs to be done is that the entire Ministry of Health bureaucracy needs to be given a very large enema to clear out the...

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Dr. Sohail Gandhi is a family physician and Past President of the Ontario Medical Association. His views do not necessarily reflect those of the OMA. This article was originally posted on his website: justanoldcountrydoctor.com

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